Step One: Begin an immediate search for snarky baby clothing, of course.
Step Two: Discover that the appropriate snide baby slogan bibs and onesies do not exist.
Step Three: Fall into a deep depression.
Step Four: Snap out of it ten minutes later and realize that maybe it's possible to create some oneself.
Step Five: Take a nap.
Thus began the dark and complex journey into Teewit.
Ok, so maybe it wasn't dark.
No, wait- it was. Literally. Mostly because I had to wait until that little stinker/darling went to bed every night to work. When you have a newborn, you don't get a lot of sleep anyway, so I decided to forgo all rest completely in favor of designing. And hey, it's paid off, right? So what if I've got eyes puffier than the Michelin Man. And deep shadows are great since black's slimming anyway. Fab way to hide the baby fat, no?
I've taken the time to incorporate every single one of my immature thoughts along with ideas from other friends (ok, toddlers) into one big sarcastic enterprise full of funny baby clothing, maternity t-shirts, and gifts for the whole family. My now three year old approves. This one's her favorite:
Definition of Share
I get all teary-eyed thinking about the lovely toy throwing, biting episode between cousins that inspired that one. We are family.
Welcome to Teewit. 'Cause you're family too.
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