Here we are again at the point of starting that “twiz and tween” the holiday scene routine.
The last three months of every year has most of us running around like bionic chickens, flapping our wings and not making much progress because we are so pre-occupied with seasonal holidays. Seriously, you don’t know whether to shop for Christmas, dress like a ghoul or goblin or go baste a Turkey.
As a child, I thought it took forever for the holidays to roll around. I’d get all excited about Halloween night; planning my scary costume; and map out my route to go trick or treating for those sugary goodies. The minutes, hours and days ticked by so slowly that it almost drove me into a pre-Halloween insanity state.
As an adult it’s more of a case of … Oh gosh, it’s here already! I better get out the Halloween decorations; carve the pumpkin into a Halloween Jack-o-lantern; go shopping for those treats that all the ghosts and goblins show up for; better get the popcorn balls and pumpkin cookies baked; and so on and so forth. I still get into that pre-Halloween insanity state, but it’s for a total different reason!
As a child, I couldn’t wait for Thanksgiving to arrive. Dang, it was a long wait in between Halloween and Thanksgiving! The excitement would build as I anticipated going to Grandmas to enjoy a day of fantastic food laced with a full day of playing with my cousins. If time would just move a little faster then I wouldn’t have to suffer with my pre-Thanksgiving insanity!
As an adult, I rush around clearing out the jack-o-lantern that has grown a fuzzy penicillin beard on the front porch; put away all the Halloween decorations; and hide all the left-over Halloween candy from myself.
Then I run at record pace to drag out the Thanksgiving paraphernalia and decorations; pen a shopping list for Thanksgiving dinner that will cost as much as the National Debt. Plan a menu that includes more food than we could eat in a month; get the Thanksgiving table linens all cleaned and starched; and go shopping for a Thanksgiving centerpiece for the table. Somewhere in between all this activity, I will actually start some serious housecleaning. Wasn’t Halloween just yesterday? It’s enough to throw you into a state of pre-Thanksgiving insanity!
As a child, I no more than swallow my Thanksgiving dinner before I starting day-dreaming about and anticipating the holiday of all holidays … Christmas! I use to think that the long slowly moving days between Thanksgiving and Christmas was an evil plan by adults to make children suffer. It’s enough to put any child into a pre-Christmas insanity state!
As an adult, … “Where the Hell did Thanksgiving go?”
I grab …
the Thanksgiving decorations and stuff them into the closet;
grab the Christmas decorations and throw them around the house;
go shopping for a Christmas tree;
decorate the Christmas tree as fast as possible;
drag out the Christmas cards and get those addressed and mailed;
make a list for holiday feasts and parties;
plan goodies to bake and deliver to friends;
shop for gifts;
wrap gifts; and so on and so forth.
It’s enough to put any sane person into a state of pre-Christmas insanity!
So, if you happen to run into a gal dressed like a spooky and scary Mrs. Santa with turkey feathers in her hair … just ignore her. That’ll be me riding the wave of holiday insanity the only way I can. Happy Insanity Holidays to you too!
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